Thursday, December 18, 2008


This morning as I was preparing to leave for an appointment I went outside and noticed that my car had turned into a giant carsicle over night. I was prepared to see a little frost on the windshield, but not my entire car covered in ice. My first reaction was “oh my gosh, you’re not in California anymore.”

The smart thing to do would have been to start the car, turn on the front and rear defrosters and go back inside for about 5 minutes. I’m sure my neighbors would have preferred me to do that as well. But, being a novice at cold weather conditions, I’m still in the trial and error stage of my learning process.

As I was eager to use my new ice scraper, I immediately started noisily chipping away at the ice sculpture that was once my windshield. Now in my defense, I did have a little common sense to start the car and turn on the defrosters as I battled the ice. About 5 minutes into the scraping, I decided that this wasn’t as much fun as I thought it would be. The stubborn ice did not want to free itself from the windshield and gave me quite a workout. Luckily, right about at the time I was either going to cry or cancel my appointment, the defrosters started to heat the windshield melting the ice enough for me to free its grasp on my car. I rejoiced at the sound of ice chunks crashing to the pavement. FYI, it sounds a lot like breaking glass. I’m sure my neighbors didn’t appreciate the noise and I half expected one to come outside and give me a lesson in winter car sense.

So, what did I learn today? Start the car, go back inside, and then scrape. Remember to call about getting a remote starter installed. Leave 15 minutes early for an appointment rather than 5. Remember to bring along your camera for these special, one-of-a-kind Kodak moments.


Ann said...

Yeah, bring a camera! ...knowing you and your timeliness.. I'm sure you were still on time, you good girl scout, you!

Diana said...

I have to admit, I was.

Anonymous said...

What a funny story. I must admit that I would be totally clueless in knowing what to do in that situation. I probably would of canceled my appointment and cried! LOL!!

Kimmie said...

Hi Diana;

Pictured you as 'Dorothy' for a minute ;-), were you wearing sparkly red shoes that coordinated with your new ice scraper?

I've lived here nonstop and I am still NOT used to it. Definitely get a car worth the money.

Thank you SSOOOOOOOO much for your very generous donation towards our adoption. What a blessing you are Diana. What a sweet surprise (especially after Bruce just bought the tickets to Ethiopia tonight...!) Your donation was a reminder of God's faithfulness. I have already prayed that God would water the seed you planted and that YOU would begin to see fruit from it in your life.

How is the job hunt coming?

Sending a hug and serious thanks for your kindness. I can't believe that we will soon be holding her for real and not just carting around her picture.

God is good.

(((big hug)))

mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted

Kimmie said...

Bruce here (Kimmie's Husband) - she asked that I read this post and I have to admit, I chuckled out loud a couple of times !! I, like Kimmie, am a lifer here and still don't like it or get this winter thing. I just recalled a comment when we first meet and you told me you had moved, to New England, in the fall - early winter, from California, and I responded "WHY ?" Now do you understand? Great wrting by the way - you tell a very good tale! And I, also thank you for the gift - hard to believe our little one will be home for church on the 18th (Kimmie already has the outfit (2 in fact- but can't wear both) planned. Until then, be blessed.