Carpenter bees I’ve discovered are territorial little buggers and can be quite aggressive when their space has been infringed upon. Before I head outside I scan the patio hoping to catch a glimpse of any would be dive-bombers. Oddly enough I never see any attack bees until I step foot

outside the sliding glass door. I think they have quite sophisticated little bee radar and are secretly spying on me. Luckily, the most I’ve seen at any one time is four. Generally, there’s only one or two bee scouts to greet me. I’ve learned that intimidation is the scout’s preferred method of trying to get rid of me. They fly within a couple of feet of my head and try to stare me down. If that doesn’t work, they wait for me to get distracted and look away. Then at supersonic speeds they buzz within inches of my head, making me think that they’re going to hurt me. Well, I’m not intimidated by their intense stares or close flybys, but they are definitely intimidated by my swats.
Di, you are so........entertaining!
Now, I am not sure if I know what a carpenter bee is...what is the difference in appearance as compared to a bumblebee?
So glad you are back up on the horse ;-)
mama to 7
one homemade and 6 adopted
As far as I can tell carpenter bees are just another species of bees that like to live in wood. Kinda like carpenter ants versus regular ants. The bees are about twice the size of bumble bees and rather than being fuzzy all over, they have fuzz on the top and a shiny black torso that resembles more of a beetle. Their buzzing sound is also much louder.
You go, Termin-ana!! I knew you could hold your own agaist those pesky sawing things (or whatever you called them.)
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