Sunday, June 28, 2009

Imagine If...

While walking to my front door one evening, I saw this interesting little toad just hanging out. Since it’s been a while since I’ve seen toads rather than snails plastered along the sidewalk, I decided to grab my camera and observe it for a while. I suppose I could make up some bizarre story about this toad, but I’m not feeling the urge to do that right now.

However, there were two things that fascinated me by this little creature. I was amazed that the little guy had the intelligence to hang out by the lamp to catch his prey. At first I thought he was just enjoying the lamplight until I realized he was hunting for dinner by patiently waiting for the bugs to be drawn towards the light. He’s a masterful little bug catcher and impressively quick with his tongue. Second, I thought how great God is that he made bugs, toads and other creepy things small so we couldn’t see the details of their warts, spines, teeth, etc and be scared to death. Imagine if toads, beetles, spiders, and other insects were the size of a horse. I don’t know about you, but I’d be afraid to go outside.

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