Monday, June 15, 2009

Bee Chronicles – Part 1. What are Those Flying Buzz Saws?

Until recently, I never heard of carpenter bees. The first time I saw one, I thought it was a bumblebee on steroids and then I began to wonder if it was even a bee at all. The flying pests attacked but never stung.

As I was discussing my fascination of these mutant flying insects to a friend of mine, she quite matter of factly told me they were carpenter bees. Carpenter bees, did I hear right? What does a carpenter have to do with bees? Don’t bees like flowers?

I was told they are called carpenter bees because they make their nests by tunneling in wood. Cool, first mice, now bee termites.

1 comment:

Ann said...

...ants come in the carpenter variety as well. I am leasing out the corner of my bedroom to a gaggle of them.