People that have known me for a while are aware that I suffer from extreme insomnia. On a good night, I may get 4 hours of actual sleep, while the rest of the night, I toss and turn or just rest and think about random things. It’s been going on for so long that I forget that it’s not normal to wake up more tired than when you went to bed. Now I’m not writing this to get sympathy, I just want to point out there is a benefit to having an active mind.
People often ask “are you worried? What do you think about?” Sometimes I worry, but mostly I just think about random nonsense. Usually, I forget about what I was thinking about, but last night, or should I say early this morning, I had such a ridiculous thought mulling through my mind that I decided to write it down just to get it out of my head.
This morning I looked at the paper, and I had written, “I don’t think about dying, but I do think about endive.” I case you aren’t aware, endive is a type of leafy vegetable you toss in a salad. I don’t even like endive, because it’s too bitter for my taste. So why the heck would I be thinking about dying and endive? This statement makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to me. Why something like this would go through my brain at 4 a.m., I have no idea, but you have to admit as strange as it might me, it’s quite hilarious. Hence, the benefit of insomnia.
I wonder, what would Carl Jung think of this statement? Any of you psychology majors or people gifted with interpretation of dreams have any clues as to what this might mean?
11 years ago
Seriously, you're amazing. hilarious. beyond my comprehension. really just your own little world. thanks for being brave enough to share that. Silly Girl!
you know, I was just thinking. Maybe it has something to do with your dad's syllable issue... repetitive.. rhyming... I'm just brainstorming. dying... endive... have you ever studied latin? you might like knowing where words come from.
Keep writing your thoughts down...let's see what else you come up with. It was fun reading!
It's funny you'd mention my dad. Dee said that the story reminded her of him. It was right up there with his wondering why there are no used UPS trucks on the road.
Diana, were you talking to the wizard when you came up with this revelation?!?
Okay Diana, I think it has to do with the things in your head...Endive being lettuce (like a small 'head' of lettuce-though a bitter variety, such as life is at times). Perhaps, life is heavy and the corrulation between suddenly liking endive vs. death- shows the weight of what you are carrying (not so much worry about death, but just the issues of life.)The bitterness I think has to do with the recent changes in your life and perhaps questioning God on 'why' and what He is up to ...sometimes God reaches us within the ridiculous and grabs us with humour. Not saying He is...but maybe? I do believe He speaks to us in dreams at times, but it takes discernment and wisdom to know when it is Him, when it is us and when it is the pizza. ;-) (((HUG))))
Of course I am no expert...wondering if you could tell me what kind of work you are looking has been on my heart heavily for the past few days and would like to be able to pray more specifically for you. Give me the specifics and I will stand with you...I am all about believing God.
I find occasional sleeplessness. This is where Prayer Request Sunday was born from. I got tired of waiting for sleep to come and decided that if I could pray that the devil would be less likely to 'win' over my not being able to sleep or stay asleep. Let me tell you, he didn't like me praying...suddenly sleep didn't become such an issue, he stopped tormenting me...and still I continue to stand in the gap in prayer for those who come and ask me. That doesn't mean I still don't worry...but honestly, it is not as bad as it was 1 1/2 ago.
mama to 7
one homemade and 6 adopted
Ann may be on to something. There may be a poet in you struggling to come out. There's a cadence to the phrase. And there's a kind of word game going on. You moved an N around with unexpected and silly results. doN't ... dy -> do ... N-di.
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