Monday, February 2, 2009

Winter Woes

Since I’ve moved back to New England I’ve been blamed by friends and family as being the reason we’ve been experiencing an abnormally cold winter. Every really cold day or snow day I usually receive a phone call reminding me of my cold weather charm. I usually don’t say anything in response, I just let them think I can control the weather.

I’ll let you in on a little secret; I met the one true, supreme weatherman this October. We became friendly and he keeps me informed about what the weather will be like the rest of this winter.

Happy Groundhog Day 2009!


Ann said...

Happy Groundhog Day!! I'm so glad to be here to celebrate it with you!

Mrs Desh said...

Wait a minute, is Ann in NE with you!?! I wanna come too!

Happy Groundhogs Day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Groundhog Day!! Tell Ann I said hello!

Diana said...

Yes, Mrs. Desh, she is. Hey, do you have your video chat thing set up yet?

Mrs Desh said...

Yes! I just need to figure out how to call you. The Nomster has been practicing a tap routine just for you. Call me.