Monday, October 27, 2008

Who Milked the First Cow?

I often wonder who the first person was to milk a cow. Maybe it wasn’t a cow; maybe it was a goat or some other animal instead. I’d like to think it was God who showed Adam how to do it because the thought of some man (or woman) approaching a random cow disturbs me. I know it’s not a big deal today, but the first time it happened? You have to admit, that was a strange thing to do. Yes, I’m sure hunger was a good motivator, but still, that had to be awkward…for the cow, I mean.

My grandfather was a dairy farmer so I often thought of this as a kid when I saw him milk cows. I never asked him the question though because he kept trying to convince me that chocolate milk came from brown cows. I knew better because if that were true, then his cows would have given us milk that looked like ‘cookies and cream’.

Hmmm, still I wonder…. who was that brave cow?


Bewitched Chameleon said...

LOL, it's nice to know I am not the only person in the universe who thinks about stuff like that

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Kimmie said...

Hmm, well I think it was probably post flood...maybe after so many days on the boat, God gave one of them the "new" brilliant idea of milking?

Though it seems perhpas, if you look at a young-un drinking at his mother's milk, that the idea would have come quicker.

Just hope they didn't stand behind the cow to give it a try.

bless you;
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted

Ann said...

I have a hard time thinking that Adam even had a cow in the Garden... but I guess he did... OH! No, wait. That was Noah.